Family Law

The Importance of Cohabitation Agreements in South Africa

In the evolving landscape of relationships and the legal recognition they entail, cohabitation agreements emerge as a cornerstone for couples living together outside the traditional bounds of marriage. This blog post delves into the essence of cohabitation agreements in South Africa, highlighting their benefits and potential drawbacks. Furthermore, we explore…
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New Amendments to the Children’s Act in South Africa

The Children’s Amendment Act of 2022 marks a significant stride in the evolution of child protection legislation, amending and refining the existing Children’s Act of 2005. This comprehensive revision seeks to bolster the safeguarding of children’s rights by addressing terminology nuances, expanding the authority of children’s courts, and enhancing the…
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What is Spousal Maintenance in South Africa?

Spousal maintenance is maintenance paid by a spouse to his/her (soon-to-be) ex-spouse, in terms of a Court Order, or to a former spouse following a divorce decree. It is important to remember that neither spouse has an automatic right to spousal maintenance upon divorce. This is because the reciprocal duty…
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